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Nicholas Free
Inspirational TED Talk Speakers
Welcome! Here I have collected some TED talks that I have watched/rewatched within the past year. Each speaker has influenced me in their own way and I would like to share a few that resonated with me. Many topics challenged my previous viewpoints on topics such as leadership and failure. I challenge you to pick a random speaker and challenge your viewpoints. I hope you enjoy the selection!
David Damberger
David Logan
Alvin Irby
David Brooks
Eddie Obeng
Alain de Botton
George Monbiot
Jon Bowers
Kirsty Duncan
Laura Vanderkam

Holla Tomasdottir
Natali Fratto
Olympia Della Flora
Itay Talgam
Tim Harford
Astro Teller
Lydia Machova
Amy Cuddy
Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Lyle
Fields Wicker-Miurin
Heidi Grant
Kathryn Schulz
Matt Goldman
Linda Hill
Liz Kleinrock
Nirmalya Kumar
Sarah Lewis
Simon Sinek
Yves Morieux
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